Firstly I have to say I am not a fan of  mixing modes, but I felt it necessary to apply the knowledge to help others who might want to make the bridge to digital even if they have no digital equipment themselves. Recently i found that there were several sticking points, so I have recently updated the script, referred to in this text.

So I have made a new script in my Github to provide (hopefully) the complete compilation of SVXLink-UsrpLogic, necessary to connect to digital modes. I have to say that it is not perfect, and I feel that care has to be taken to ensure that interference is not caused to the networks concerned. I know, as my antenna on the test repeater fell down onto the repeater, consequently the power from the transmitter at such close proximity, overrode the capacity of the duplexer, sending a permanent transmission to the digital network concerned. Fortunately it was not on a major talkgroup, and I was blocked quite rightly from connecting for the time this problem occured.

You can find the link to the script here, with instructions, which you MUST read.

Full credit as usual goes to Tobias SM0SVX, the author, and to Adi DL1HRC who has modified his repositories of Svxlink to include the UsrpLogic required to connect the Svxlink software to the Analog_Bridge of DVSwitch. Analog_Bridge then connects to MMDVM_Bridge using the MD380_emu (Md380 Emulator). So far so good it works on my test repeater

Each installer needs to acknowledge his own responsibilities in connecting the software to a digital network, and I shall deny any responsibility should you fail to abide by the rules of those networks.

There are a number of provisos that you must apply.

Your audio needs to be impeccable. You will not be appreciated if you are not to standard.

You need to read and understand the workings of DVSwitch, and download the Android App on your smart phone to control the Digital connections, as SvxLink has no distinct way to do so.

There are many sources of information that can be researched for SvxLink, and DVSwitch, but the man files of SVXlink are built in to the compiled package for your ease. However has two master groups from which to gather all information relevant. DVSwitch and Svxlink. I wholly recommend these. All the answers are there, and it would help me if you would seek these before coming to me. I am not averse to helping, but you will need to learn how to interface your equipment yourself. The various ports within your software have to be planned, and understood.

Make it fun…. It sure has been for me.

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